ßeta perpetua

El blog personal de Juan Manuel Barroso

Predicando sobre Clean Code


El pasado mes tuvo lugar el CodeMotion, un eventazo al que desafortunadamente no pude asistir, y que sirvió de sinergia para que en la semana anterior al evento las comunidades locales crearán eventos/charlas/talleres a modo de “calentamiento”.

El grupo local AgileCanarias se unió al llamamiento, y con la colaboración de la ETSII,  organizó un pequeño evento de dos días. La idea era hablar de temas con un nivel introductorio para que pudieran asistir alumnos o cualquier persona interesada.

En vista a que yo siempre he tenido la firme convicción de que el libro Clean Code debería impartirse en la universidad, me animé a dar una charla sobre el tema. No tenía demasiado tiempo para prepararla, ni tampoco podía ser una charla muy larga así que plasmé en una presentación lo que me pareció más básico del libro.

A continuación se muestran las diapositivas usadas en la charla:


3 Responses

Hi DimitriIt’s the sarcasm in your sujebct line that’s making people jump down your throat, and the fact that “by association” you rubbished Java and the JEE application server technology, rather than talking about the faults of the application at hand. You don’t even bother to mention that application by name, maybe you should have complained about that instead.The facts:Java apps, like Apex apps, *can* be run form a single file. Java has archives like .jar, .war and .ear files for just this purpose. It is a great strength of Java that it has these and other modern languages have used similar techniques. It has gone a long way to tidying up the mess of deployed apps on servers by the fact that it’s standardized everything, in the same way the import/export files of Apex/Oracle have helped make that an easy install.Any comparison I used to Apex was to show that Apex isn’t that simple either, they’re in fact comparable.For Java you need a JVM, for Apex you need an Oracle database. Neither install is difficult, but each however requires more than 1 step. Just because you have a preference for Oracle databases doesn’t mean that the other environments are less than best.For Java programs you (may) need the specific JVM version you wrote your program against, same deal with Apex, the PL/SQL it uses and the database. If you write an Apex application under 11g using 11g new features, but try and back port it to 10g, you know the outcome.So mate, you hit a nerve in the fact you’re not being fair, and you’ve mispelled the facts. I apologize for the tone of the other “anonymous” posters here, I didn’t intend to kick a hornets nest, I think they’re being rude, as well as cowardly for not posting under their real names. However I see you’re being “pursued” by others on your blog, so as suggested by some more helpful posters, time to turn on Blogger comment moderation I think.I look forward to catching up at OOW for a chinwag.Cheers,CM.

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